Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Yorkshire Pudding 12, Me 0

Oh, Popovers. Scourge
of Christmas dinner.  Thou hast
bested me again. 
They look pretty here but I had to cut them out with a knife.  Two or three hundred years ago they didn't have non-stick pans and, until now, I have refused to admit the necessity thereof.  They also didn't have Dawn dishsoap though - maybe I should try letting my muffin tins "season"?  (Who wants to come over for blueberry muffins now?)  Making these well is on my bucket list.  Ambitious gal, am I. 


  1. They do look pretty there! I'll bet they were delicious even if the bottoms got a bit torn. I'm very impressed with your cooking skills.

    And your kids look delicious, too. I'm glad to see some of the holiday joy! I'm not sure that we took even one picture of Maybelle opening presents...

  2. I had my first experience with them about a month ago. I'm thirty-one and after eating one I realized how deprived I have been up until that point-- they were tasty and yours look beautiful as well.
